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The Writer in Me: An Autobiography of Me, Myself, and I

Hello! I’m Nicole, and this is the first post for my Signature blog!

For as long as I can remember, writing has been my passion. As a little girl, I would pick up a pen and paper, string up a bunch of words together, and pretend like I've just written an important document. I was so proud of my writings even though my letters were lopsided, and words were misspelt. Over the years, I’ve kept many journals, and written many cringe-worthy stories that I have since deleted. Once, I even changed the lyrics of Josh Groban’s “You Raise Me Up” into a childlike lullaby about a man and his teddy bear (those lyrics still haunt me to this day).

I am proud of my writings, even the lame and embarrassing ones from the past. They’re more than just an interest or a hobby. Writing, for me, is very therapeutic too. It calms me down, and offers me insight to different problems. I think that’s why I decided to make my project about writing. I want my stories to somehow comfort people, make them laugh or make them think. People say reading is like living a thousand lives, and I’d like to think my stories can contribute to those one thousand lives.

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