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Overcoming a Writer's Block

This is what people think having a writer's block Feels like:

(Scottish Book Trust, Miss Write)

This is the accurate representation of one:

(Google Images)

FoR those who don't know, writer's block happens when a writer is struggling to finish a certain section of his/her work. Currently, I have that problem.

You see, ideas don't come to me very easily, and when they do, they come at the most random times. I am usually not prepared for an idea to pop into my head, because during those times, i am most likely outside of my room, or just not properly equipped.

There's no real way to stop a writer's block since they happen without your consent, But according to the writer i've spoken to recently about having a writer's block, there are ways to overcome it.

Here is the list of things She recommended:

1. step away from your work

2. step away from the desk where your work is

3. step away from the building where the work happens

4. take a walk

5. maybe even run a little

6. take a nap

7. eat something

8. talk to people

It's okay to take a break sometimes, because breaks allow your mind to wander some place else, and most of the time, your mind will come back with new ideas.

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Images from:

Scottish Book trust, Miss. Write

Google Images

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