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Struggles of a Writer

A writer once told me that writing is painful. I didn’t understand what she meant, because it seemed to contradict her whole life, and as a writer, aren’t you supposed to love writing? I thought she didn’t have enough passion for this job, and that she lacked motivation, but now that I’m trying to explore the path of a writer, I find that statement to be very true.

Writing is painful in the sense that it takes up a whole lot of your time, and eats away your thoughts easily. You sit at your desk for what feels like forever, and yet, you may find yourself still struggling to finish the sentence you started when you first looked at your computer. You write out ideas over and over again, only to get that overwhelming feeling that each one is even worse than the previous one. For a long time, you wonder if it’s worth it to finish a piece.

I feel like quitting every single time I get stuck on a page. It drives me crazy, because I feel like I should be better prepared. But the truth is, you don’t know in advance how smoothly you’ll work. I just hope that I can learn a lot about being a writer through this experience.

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